Check out some of the most incredible Hyper Realistic 3D Paintings, This is a technique using acrylic paint on clear resin. This time-consuming technique requires resin mixed with a hardener, then painting on each hardened layer to create depth. The result is a 3d sculptural painting that can be viewed at any angle. Its amazing:) These… Read more »
Some people like to highlight that all the glorious art has already been created. Those who say so perhaps forget to count in the endless possibilities of 3D design. Today movies can be filmed in a quarry of stone and 3D designers will add the turquoise sea, verdant pinewood and a surreal house on the… Read more »
LycodonFX is a creative studio, where strategic thinking and creative execution bring concepts and business strategies to life, across many forms of communication. Our focus is not only on aesthetics, but also on usability, functionality and high standards.